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Home Inspections

Residential Home Inspections

This is the core of our business and our passion. A home inspection typically is performed after an accepted offer to purchase a home. Roofing, exterior, structure, electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, insulation and ventilation systems are inspected. As a home inspector I love how every day brings a new home to inspect and new clients to meet. Licensed in Massachusetts, inspections conform to or exceed 266 CMR. Massachusetts has an abundance of homes built across all ages of our region's history. Our inspectors have experience working on homes built before the American Revolution and everything through new construction. However, we have not seen it all! Yankee ingenuity continues to surprise us still. A normal home inspection will have over 200 photographs taken and home inspection reports may take a day or two to be sent after the inspection. Fees vary by structure type and size, ranging from $445-$710

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